Oven Baked Fried Chicken 烤箱炸鸡

Oven Baked Fried Chicken 烤箱炸鸡

 Deep frying produce the crunchiest golden crust. It is difficult to pass up a great batch of deep fried chicken. 

However, using up cups of oil and getting the floor splattered on with oil isn’t such a pleasant idea. 

These oven fried chickens are moist inside, crispy outside and  mess free. The seasoned bread crumbs and flour on the outside provides a burst of flavor and nice crunchy texture, just like fried chicken, The best part is that we get to by-pass all the oil, making these chicken much healthier. It won’t leave you feeling guilty after you eat it!

Oven Baked Fried Chicken 烤箱炸鸡

In this video I will be showing you how to do everything inside a ziplock bag. No dredging station required! Of course, feel free to set up a dredging station if you prefer to do so. 

Baked fried chicken 



  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 tbsp vinegar 
  • 1 tbsp oil


  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1 cup panko / bread crumbs 
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder 
  • 1/4 tsp ground ginger 
  • 3/4 tsp Italian seasoning
  • 1 tsp garlic powder 
  • 2 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper


  1. Prepare homemade butter milk by mixing milk with vinegar. 
  2. Leave it to sit for 5 minutes. The milk will curdle and it is normal.
  3. Marinate chicken in buttermilk and oil for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Mix together ingredients B.
  5. Coat chicken with ingredients B, press to coat the chicken well.
  6. Lightly oil a baking sheet.
  7. Lay chicken pieces on the baking sheet.
  8. Bake in preheated oven at 180°C for 25 minutes.
  9. Flip the chicken over and bake for another 10 minutes.




  • 1/2杯牛奶 
  • 1/2汤匙醋 
  • 1汤匙油 


  • 1杯普通面粉 
  • 1杯面包屑 
  • 1/2茶匙发粉 
  • 1/4茶匙生姜粉
  • 3/4茶匙意大利调味料 
  • 1茶匙大蒜粉 
  • 2茶匙烟熏红甜椒粉 
  • 1/2茶匙盐 
  • 1/2茶匙胡椒粉 


  1. 牛奶与醋混合在一起。 静置10分钟。 牛奶会凝结,这是正常的。 
  2. 鸡肉用食材A腌制至少30分钟。 
  3. 将食材B混合在一起。
  4.  鸡肉裹上食材B。 
  5. 取一个烤盘涂上一层油。
  6.  将鸡块放在烤盘上。 
  7. 在已经预热好的烤箱以180°C烤25分钟。 
  8. 将鸡肉翻转过来,再烤10分钟。

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